Welcome to my website! I am a full stack web developer working remotely in Michigan. I build customer-facing websites using React and Material-UI, and I make the micro-services that they run on using Node, Express, and Swagger (OpenAPI). I am quick to learn new languages and frameworks - I have worked on production code in Golang, Unity/C#, and on the command line - and I am eager to advance my career to the next level. Please feel free to email me with any questions or offers!
Lucas Sorenson
25164 Carmel st
Woodhaven, MI 48183 US
(313) 401-3288
Full Stack Certification • June 2019
FreeCodeCamp.com is a free curriculum for learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as several useful libraries and frameworks. While completing this certification, I completed over 700 coding challenges, 30 projects, and 1800 hours of coursework. FCC is a great curriculum that, when used with other learning materials, builds a very solid foundation of programming knowledge while putting every new skill you learn to the test.
Full Stack Web Developer • March 2020 - Present
SunSh1n3 Studios is a startup working on building cool, cutting edge software, ranging from eCommerce sites to desktop utilities and even video games. I mainly work with React and Material-UI on the frontend and Node/Express/Swagger on the backend, but the nature of the company has me working on several projects using a wide variety of libraries, frameworks, and languages.
Web Developer • June 2019 - March 2020
The Open Source Election Technology Foundation is an awesome nonprofit that I work with that is trying to change the way America votes with free, open source elections technology software called ElectOS. I help manage their WordPress blog, and I built this website for them from scratch. If you are at all interested in improving the reliability, convenience, and security of our elections, please consider donating or volunteering for the cause.
I have professional experience building both production-grade user interfaces and robust micro-services. I also have strong communication and interpersonal skills, paired with a passion to learn and grow as a developer.
A web app to integrate Spotify and Genius.com. This is my first personal Full-Stack project. It was made using the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.
React, Node, JavaScriptI coded this website from scratch with HTML and CSS, with the design being done beforehand in photoshop. I took a photoshop file and turned it into a fully functional website. My favorite part about this project (besides the fact that it is the only website I have worked on that is actually online) is the fact that I was able to program the collapsable FAQ without any JavaScript!
HTML, CSSFully functional calculator made with React.js and styled with CSS.
React, CSS, JavaScriptVarious small projects that I have made using JavaScript and React, including a Random Quote Generetor and a Pomodoro Clock.
JavaScript, React, CSS